The CN Whistle is still the original one that CN used many years ago. Please watch the video and at the end you will hear the whistle blow just like it used to many years ago.
April 12-2012 Al Lenius & Ray Mills inside the Power House of CN Transcona Shop just before noon . Ray is seen on his cell phone awaiting the call for us to pull down the wooden handle. We could here the cheering from the crowd gathered on the streets of Transcona from his cell phone as it got closer to noon.
Al & Ray pulling down the old wooden handle at noon as the town of
Transcona officially turned 100 years old. The thumbs up by Al indicates the whistle has now been activated at full steam. The whistle was blown for 15 sec. and a second time for 10 sec. Living in Transcona all my life and working in the Transcona Shops for over 35 years it was a honour to blow the whistle.
Transcona officially turned 100 years old. The thumbs up by Al indicates the whistle has now been activated at full steam. The whistle was blown for 15 sec. and a second time for 10 sec. Living in Transcona all my life and working in the Transcona Shops for over 35 years it was a honour to blow the whistle.

Al & Ray pulling down the old wooden handle at noon as the town of
Transcona officially turned 100 years old. The thumbs up by Al indicates the
whistle has now been activated at full steam.
The whistle was blown for 15 sec. and a second time for 10 sec. Living in
Transcona all my life and working in the Transcona Shops for over 35 years
it was a honour to blow the whistle.